Friday, December 24, 2010

Winter Solstice Burn.

In the heat of the night, in the middle of the snow, The Willow Woman burned and put on quite a show.
 The regional Idaho burners from the Titicaca camp paid homage to the arts with a local burn with local supplies. (mainly willows)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dancing Dirty Feet

 The Dance Troupe "Dirty Feet'  performed tonight at the Liberty Theatre in Hailey Idaho.
 All I did to these photos was resize them so as to get them up an out to share.
 It was a great show, we all had fun. And you can guess who's daughter was dancing in the troupe.  :C)

  If you see a picture you want, just holler.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Woke up this morning to the sound of ........


      Yup, Idaho rain, about 3 inches.
                            After one of the best Indian Summers  one could wish for, the weather has
                           turned, and the six months of Winter have started. The temps are forcasted in the teens for  
                           the next weeks lows.
                           Halloween has always sucked here for trick or treat, as you have to have Winter wear
                          over your costume.

                           And then there was the Idaho style "gridlock" on the highway. I watched these guys run by
                           last week. It reminds me of the local saying, " Idaho, where men are men, and the poor
                           sheep are nervous".
                          They wouldn't be running from the sheepherder, or would they?

                           So Halloween is creeping up on us.
                                  Put on your party gear and let it rip this year.

By The Way, Nothings Burning.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Still here, slow year. Burning Man)( 2010 Photos

 Well believe it or not I'm still here.
 Dam slow year, not worth complaining about though, lol
 The fox hasn't showed up in months. New neighbors with a large dog chased it away once, then the mange started back and maybe took the little vixen.
 I miss little foxy. Hoping its kits didn't get the mange and survived.  (unlikely though)         :C(

 Well Burning Man was a hoot this year. Cold and wet, then hot and dusty.
 "In dust we trust"
 Forgot my tripod  for the camera this year , so I maxed the ISO and got the shots, but some are noisy/grainy.
 Click the pic to go to the slideshow on flickr.

 So the question is, what to do until next years Burning Man)( ?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thanks Doc, said the Fox

 Oh what a poor Winter this has been.
 No work, finicky vehicles, no snow, and then the fox got the mange.
At first glance, I thought the fox had been hit by a car, it had lost so much fur off it's back and tail.
 Then I noticed it was rubbing it's face in the snow and that hair was falling out too.
After a two hour wait at the Vets', he gave me some medicine to try. And I'm happy to say it worked.
    Click on the link below to see how well she's progressed.

  Oh, and she is definitely is a mom again, little teats showing, and now the fur on her belly has been worn off.
 Maybe she'll bring them by again this year.

 I think things will start to pick up around here as we adapt to the new world order. Life will change.
 Like the motto for Burning Man )( last year,  "Evolve or Die"

 And I did order two tickets for Burning Man )( for 2010. Lots of plans, lol.