Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Carey Idaho Rodeo

We went from rain and snow for the last few weeks to record high temps, (80's).
Now it's the normal JO, JO, season.
(Jacket Off, Jacket On)
When the sun shines, it's hot, when a cloud comes by, it's cold.
Leaves are appearing, and the Rodeo's are on.
I was in Carey, Idaho and visited a family whose daughters were in the rodeo that evening.
One was even crowned queen. Go girl!

I used some of the photos in the set to try a new web service called Animoto. They turn your pictures and music into a slide show that is web friendly. The free version is short but has promise.
Try clicking on the Rodeo Queen.

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Mom x5

Well the mystery of the gender of the "Kitchen Fox" is finally solved.
I'm watching HER, and her 5 kits from my window.
The pics are through double pane windows so a bit blurry, I don't want to press my presence and have her move.
How cool!

Create your own video slideshow at