Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Burn Goes On Forever, and the Party Never Ends.

 Just a post to the photos from the party last weekend in Idaho of the local burners and burner wannabes.
 The weather warmed up, (it wasn't as cold as it's been), and there was just enough snow to make it a very good night.
 The Willow Woman burn started as I got there, so I never saw it unburned. The beat sticks and the drums serenaded the Woman till she passed into ashes.
 So what to do until Burning Man)( ? lol
 A good size storm is just finishing dumping about 6 inches of new snow, so everything's alright in this drinking town with a skiing problem for the holidays.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Brrrring Man and Thanksgiving.

We got another storm with enough snow to open the ski mt. on Thanksgiving, better than last year.
It's been warm, (relative Idaho warm, lol). with no new snow.
Here is the Burning man)( burn barrel I'm now in charge of till next year.

Three years now the fox has been coming by, since I first saw it running off with the turkey carcass as big as itself. The family came by for Thanksgiving and the fox stopped in for a visit too.
She looks great in her red winter coat. It's usually dark when she stops by, so no new pictures of her.
But here is another Arppilicious Thanksgiving turkey shown off by Christina.

Well Holiday greetings to all, time to do a bit of shopping for Christmas. Online of course.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fall winds down.

Well it's been better weather, Indian Summer of sorts. Still chilly. But we got an inch of snow this week while East of the Rockies got feet.
Sorry Sun Valley Ski Resort, but I don't ski. :C)

The fox came by just while I was sitting down to play, too bad my virtual pet was moving and you can't see my level 70 wolf.
The piece is for putting the "Phantom Hill Wolf Pack" on alert when I see hunters go by.
Yah, up yours too hunters.

Otherwise it's wood cutting time. Practicing Poi, Chuck

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Two weeks of Fall

Well, two months of Summer led into two weeks of Fall. lol
It's 4 inches of wet snow today.
Oops, all the things outside that didn't get Winter prepped.
"Cest la Vie"

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The BRC Video

The last post has a link to better pictures, but try the video, it is fun.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Back from the Burn.

All right, all right.......
I know I said I'd try to post from BRC, but sometimes, even the best laid plans don't get laid. lol
Ok, so circumstances directed me in other directions and all worked out quite well, considering.
So I had the most fun allowed in BRC and made the best of Reno and was completely guested by the Tahoe / Reno Burners. Thanks again to all who helped.
So I posted my adventure in photos at Burning Man on flickr today after days of editing and file recovery from an unhappy hard drive. Click on the pic to go to the gallery. Thank You.
I'm going to animoto after this post to see about making a video from these pictures. That'l be next post, or the Balloon Races in Reno pictures will be next.
The weather in Idaho has changed and Fall is coming in. Time to get out, go fishing or/and gold panning. Who knows. :C)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Burn Baby Burn !!

Well just a couple days to Burning man.
Already it is an experience with the survival basics, no food or water, the logistics of 50,000 people, the events calendars, the drive, the camp, the photos from past burns to look at, rules to learn...
And after all this, I still am sure most of it will be a surprise.
If wifi works on the playa, I'll see if I can update from Burning Man.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nappy Fox

Alright, the fox is in the mix.

She's cute, but ran out of the kitchen last night with one of my shoes.
I haven't seen either one today. Shoe or fox.

The grass is up to my chin out there.
These pics are from the evening before, nappin in the kitchen.
(probably dreaming of chewing shoes) lol

The middle picture is a nice printable sketch.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

PIT Project Warm Springs

Wow, 2 posts in a week.
This was my next adventure. A week in the Frank Church Wilderness working on a PIT project I mentioned in an earlier post.
It was wet starting the week out. But it dried out and warmed up to almost hot by the next weekend.
When the group headed out of Challis Sunday morning we met up with packers Geoff and Jenny.
The entire had been razed by fire hot enough to kill everything, but not burn it up.
The SCA boys, (Student Conservation Association), had the camp setup and were felling trees for our project with a crosscut saw.
The Wilderness allows no power tools.
They Felled , we peeled and we cleaned logs and put the Warm Springs Guard Station back in order.
Next year we go back to replace the sill logs and finish the roof.

Click on the photo to go to the flickr set. Why they are always sorted backwards I haven't figured out yet.

Like as before, these photos are small and barely printable, suitable only for the web, mainly due to theft issues. If you see a photo you want, in a larger file size, just ask.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark.

Hi all,
My first adventure this month, July 2009, was an Idaho State University Class which spent 4 days in Montana, exploring the trails and learning of the expeditionary team of Lewis and Clark.
We met at the Travelers Rest near Lolo Montana.
After touring the nice little museum and grounds where L+ C camped, we were off to look for signs of their passage and the Nez Pierce trails and history.
We saw trees peeled by the Nez Pierce to get the cambium layer which provided some nourishment in the Winter. The fishing weirs built by the natives to harvest salmon were still discernible being built from rock.
Rock cairns, old camps and lots of new flaura to examine. Many learned people in the group made it easy to get questions answered. Very nice !
Click on the pic to go to the flicker set.
The pics are as always small and low quality, so If you need a better photo, just write.
Feel free to add comments or identify plants.
Last week I was in the Frank Church Wilderness for a week working on the Warm Springs PIT project.I'll be posting that adventure in a day or two.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wet Fox Tails

In a word, wet.
The only difference in the weather is that it got warmer and the snow turned to rain.
A bit more than usual. but everything is a nice green.
Just look at my friend here.
I made another video compilation, just click on the wet fox to see "Fox Tails"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Carey Idaho Rodeo

We went from rain and snow for the last few weeks to record high temps, (80's).
Now it's the normal JO, JO, season.
(Jacket Off, Jacket On)
When the sun shines, it's hot, when a cloud comes by, it's cold.
Leaves are appearing, and the Rodeo's are on.
I was in Carey, Idaho and visited a family whose daughters were in the rodeo that evening.
One was even crowned queen. Go girl!

I used some of the photos in the set to try a new web service called Animoto. They turn your pictures and music into a slide show that is web friendly. The free version is short but has promise.
Try clicking on the Rodeo Queen.

Friday, May 1, 2009

New Mom x5

Well the mystery of the gender of the "Kitchen Fox" is finally solved.
I'm watching HER, and her 5 kits from my window.
The pics are through double pane windows so a bit blurry, I don't want to press my presence and have her move.
How cool!

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Well the Special Olympics didn't need any help.
I also volunteered for helping at the local food bank, to no avail.
But I did get a response from the PIT or "Passport in Time" program.
The project I applied for is a week in the Frank Church Wilderness.
Wilderness = no power tools. They aim to pack our supplies in to rebuild a cabin
in the Warm Springs drainage. Right next to the Shower Bath Hot Springs.
The same one that I struggled to find as the trail is not maintained on the lower stretch since the fire.
That's where I found the cougar that had been killed by the fire and immortalized it with a picture on my website.
Click on the picture to go to the PIT website, click "current projects at the top, and then Idaho to see a current view of the cabin.

Otherwise life drags on here with unemployment reigning.
I've even sent for my college records to see what I need to finish my Forest Fire Science degree.

The snow on the valley floor is about gone, with mud and trail closures next.
The Fox still drops by for a snack in the evenings.
I saw it dig up an egg from a cache under a tree in the snow. ( I don't give it an egg every time it shows up so as not to spoil him)

See ya"ll

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Franti is comming to town

Well glory be, Mr. Franti is coming back to town.
He was the best at 48 Straight last year, and now he's coming to perform for the Special Olympics in Sun Valley next week.
I have volunteered to help at the events and hope it's a gig where I can be a photographer.
Either way, it's a way to do good will.
The Pic links back to my 48 Straight album.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The slow trip through Winter.

Well Winter is here in all its glory. Hah, the mountain didn't open till late because of lack of snow this yaer. We got the snow just before Christmas and things were good for the holidays.
But now in January, the weather has warmed up and been in the 40's .
Jobs are scarce, and doesn't look good for the immediate future.
C'est la Vie as they say.

Any catching up on this blog, I have a couple pictures of Fall to share before I get to the Winter things.

I repaired the computer, ( 1 of the memory sticks was bad and Micron down in Boise did me good with replacement), after days of troubleshooting.

Then there was the firewood endeavor, which went well.

And a parting shot of when the ground was still brown.
The sheepherders horses hanging out at the headwaters of the Salmon River below Galena Summit.

The Blogfox is still coming around. That's over a year now.

Cya ya'll later. Happy Holidays. Chins up!!